I believe in people in our present moment. Today, I’m again grateful for the reward, via
and , who recently released the book entitled, “Blind Spots, When Medicine Gets It Wrong and What It Means for Our Health.”A link to Dr. Makary’s September 19th Substack post contextualizing his book release is also pictured below. “America is getting sicker. It's time to look at root causes. It’s time for new leadership,” reads the subheading of the piece, with the headline, “The 50-year Failure of American Health Care.”
“The last four years witnessed the largest decline in trust in the medical profession in American history. Trust in hospitals and doctors decreased from 70% to 40%, according to a JAMA study published last month. We can’t keep going down the same path. We need to turn our attention to look at the big topics in modern medicine’s blind spots. We need to do more than just treat sickness. We need to talk about health.” ~
Our trust systems are destroyed by America’s corporate fascist government, which shamelessly plays politics with both our access to medicine, and our quality of care. What if the "third rail" of vaccines isn't electrified at all? Who is opposed to the continued studies of science and medicine? The whole point of new systems and new incentives would be to allow truth and science to prevail, concurrent with our requisite awakening to present moment awareness. To be stuck in BAD THINKING, is to resist new information and evidence. Marty suggests nothing of the sort.
Vaccines GOOD?! Vaccines BAD?! Medicine GOOD?! Medicine BAD?! It's never going to be that simple, and we're not smart enough to know everything. We can however, always know our limitations. I'd love to support a Medical System which KNOWS and respects it's own limitations. What we have today are compromised actors who are wholly influenced by corporate fascism, pretending to lead society and physicians. Yet, they only serving the BORG, without regard to the Hippocratic Oath.
The Medical Industrial Complex (another MIC - just made that up, but it fits) is economically captured and MDs, via their Hippocratic Oath-centered professional training, are our "canary in the coal mine." America's Medical Industrial Complex, driven by the unending greed of corporate fascism, will cause any honest physician or medical care provider to suffer personally and professionally, through cognitive dissonance and even career-ending moral injury.
DENTISTS have long been known to have mental health and job satisfaction issues. WHY? Because their area of specialization was segmented-off from the empire's Ponzi scheme. Dentists give the care that people can afford and/or the care that worthless "dental insurance" will cover. Or they transition to cash pay - so only people with money have teeth now. Money, a medium of exchange, becomes a hoarded means to human survival.
Dentists, like DMVs, just shake their heads knowing that the creatures they are trained to care for, will get NO such care. Poor people can have teeth pulled - that's it. A sick, pathetic, and literally toothless society results. The mouth is part of the body and NOTHING is separable or isolated in our bio/psycho/social physical forms. Thus, Medical Care in an empire, is a human atrocity of austerity and deprivation.
How would a person be physically healthy with an unhealthy mouth? How do they eat? Talk? Socialize? WHAT part of the mouth is unconnected to the heart, lungs, brain, and greater body? We ALL know the answer. However, in a captured economic system of corporate fascism, knowing the TRUTH isn't enough. Individual collective action in our present moment is required from each of us. We are connected. Only a healthy and conscious society can AWAKEN to save itself.
Thank you, Dr. Marty Makary, who along with Sensible Medicine is surviving the coal mine of medicine today, as our all-too-mortal canary. To all our physicians and medical care providers, in all your roles, in all your present moments - sing and live, please.
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I haven't trusted the medical system in over 30 years. Vaccines? Haven't had any in over 50 years except for a tetanus shot or two. Drugs...I avoid them like the plague. Doctors? Not a thinking man or woman among them. They are all indoctrinated by big pharma and the AMA. Hospitals...good luck with surviving that.